Friday, November 17, 2006


In times of trouble she is always drawn to remember a passage she once read as a child;
When darkness like a cloud descends and banishes the light,
When day is just a memory and all there is, is night,
When heaviness engulfs your heart crushing it like a stone,
Find hope in knowing through it all that you are not alone'
She realised yesterday how much finding this and keeping it had made her smile, how many dark days a simple rhyme had lifted. Looking at him she thought maybe if he sang the tune in his head too, that it might lift some of the burden he was feeling. Responsibility can be liberating, it can also be crucifying, sink or swim. Despite his frown maybe this will help him learn to swim?


Blogger beltainebabe said...

Wow, I loved that poem the moment I first read it, and committed it to memory many years ago. I'm amazed that I found any links to it on the net. Do you remember which book it was from?

September 6, 2008 at 3:29 PM  

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